Memo: acquisition of ICC Library
Needs of NFTL to acquire ICC Library
National Freight Transportation Library Mission Statement
The mandate of the Board of Directors of the National Freight Transportation Library shall be as stated in the following Mission Statement:
The purposes of the National Freight Transportation Library are to preserve freight transportation history and to provide a central source of current information,
statistics, decisions, texts and other literature serving the needs of the transportation/logistics profession, academia, students, librarians, journalists, governments and the public sector.
The goals of the National Freight Transportation Library shall include the:
- development of a central library facility with satellite facilities at affiliated college and university libraries;
- development of a network of freight transportation interests and libraries having a common interest in the NTL’s purpose;
- development of an information program inviting individual and corporate contributions, and endowments, personal collections and memorabilia;
- establishment of a permanent site for the materials contributed to the NTL; and,
- establishment of a program to memorialize distinguished transportation professionals, government officials and academia who have made valuable contributions to the development of the transportation system.
Board Functions
The Board of Directors shall provide leadership and direction in implementing the mandates and goals of the National Freight Transportation Library, and shall serve as the liaison between the NFTL, the universities and colleges, the government and the private sector.
The National Freight Transportation Library was founded in 1994 with the purpose and intent of preserving historical data and publications pertaining to the freight transportation industry. Recognizing that many transportation libraries currently exist, the NFTL will be dedicated to freight issues.
The primary goal is to provide a centralized depository that encompasses all existing and future information regarding the movement of goods. The data will be indexed and cross-indexed, and will be computerized for easy access from anywhere in the United States and ultimately, the world.
The organization has active volunteer members working on site selection, funding and financing, inventory control, publicity, research and other areas.
With the demise of the Interstate Commerce Commission, efforts have been increased to develop a facility that is accessible to all transportation industry professionals, educators and students.
Participation from individuals, businesses, universities and other associations will enhance and facilitate the progress and success of the National Freight Transportation Library.
Who Will Use the Library?
- Transportation personnel in all modes of property carriage
- University professors and students of transportation
- Government agency personnel
- Policy makers, lobbyists and congressional legislative staffs
- Logistics providers and transportation intermediaries
- Trial lawyers and attorneys
- Judges and law clerks
- Corporate law departments
- Trade associations
- Other libraries
- The news media and transportation press
- Research companies and systems
Materials to be Encompassed
The National Freight Transportation Library will serve as a depository for
- Copies of texts, periodicals, treatises, conference papers, articles, video and cassette tapes, films and slides on domestic and international transportation, distribution and logistics.
- Freight transportation memorabilia and collections.
- The legislative history of transportation laws.
- The history of government transportation agencies.
- Biographical studies of famous transportation leaders, legislators and officials.
The National Freight Transportation Library will provide:
- A computerized index of every document and item in the library.
- A cross-index of every document or object housed in other libraries (operating in universities, government agencies, private firms, individual libraries and transportation publishing houses) concerning freight transportation subjects
- Facilities for electronic interfacing and networking with other research systems.
National Freight Transportation Library
Transportation Consumer Protection Council
120 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743